An Object In Motion

Is there any one out there that thinks it’s weird that you have to go to a gym to be healthy? How is it that I have an almost 93-year-old father who never set foot inside a modern-day gym? Sure he played basketball in high school, and he probably played some in the college gymnasiums. But going “to the gym” to work out?! No way. And yet he is still here and has opted to take only one prescription medication. The thing I remember about my mother, who was active until her death at age 84, is that we were always asking her to sit down. My memories of our visits were that she was always running here and there doing the laundry, grabbing a book to share, pulling food out of the freezer for supper, or any number of other activities necessary for running a comfortable home.

When I recall my early years, I never had to worry about weight, feeling strong, or staying healthy. I attribute that in a large part to the activities I was involved in and the diet that I was...

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The Power that Made the Body, Heals the Body

My belief in the philosophy of the healing power of the human body has become more solid with each passing year. This idea about the power that made the body, heals the body was first introduced to me by my brother who was instrumental in my journey into the world of chiropractic.

Over my thirty plus years of practicing chiropractic I have heard story after story of people who have sought allopathic help for their health issues. In the end, they have been left with no resolution of their symptoms. Many went on to find alternative health options such as; chiropractic, homeopathy, acupuncture, naturopaths, health coaches, etc. They were able to manage or completely rid themselves of the symptoms that had once kept them from living their lives to their fullest.

I do believe there is a time and a place for allopathic medicine. If I broke my leg, I would certainly consult a medical doctor to set and immobilize my leg until it healed. And there are other instances where I feel that...

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